Monday, October 19, 2009

Algama Primary School is the best in the Kegalla District

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Great Leadership from President Mahinda

Algama road is been repaired and that will be great achievement from the President Mahinda Rajapaksha.

Congratulation from the Algama people and this is great achievement for Dadigama vote division.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

HE President Mahinda Promised to Repair and Developed "ALGAMA ROAD" date August 19, 2008

The day of subaragamuwa provincial council election, HE President Mahinda Rajapaksha promised and confirmed to Dadigama election divition and Algama people to repair and develop the Algama Road on the date August 19, 2008 in the Vedio conference of the National Rupavahini Program the time of 10.55 p.m.
Algama is the Area which was able to produce 2 great kings for the Sri lankans like Former Priminister D.S.Senanayake and Duddly Sennanayake and late minister Dharmasiri Senanayake.
Total Distance of the Road shall be 9km from the Horagasmankada through Algama to Bogahamula.
Algama people waiting for his strong decision with maximum hopfully the day come in to the practical befor any kind of Elections.

Sabaragamuwa Election won by HE President but Algama People are waiting with dream come in to the practical.

Friday, July 18, 2008

HE President Commited to Repair As soon as possible dated Aug 19, 2008

Algama people kindly invite any party to repair this main roads and come to each and every homes for Election purpose.
This all governers responsibility and Commitment from any Party who willing to participate Sabaragamuwa Provincial election, there for we are kindly invite HE President Mahinda Rajapaksha to Lead the problems of Roads specially in Dadigama Election division mainly in Algama Main road.
Algama Need Only Main Road.................
Never Ask foods or water please.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Sabaragamuwa Election Vs Algama Road ?

Electorates in Kegalle District

Polling Division No. of Polling Centres GN Divisions No. of Houses No. of Votes
Dedigama 60 78 29,122 82,022
Galigamuwa 50 58 22,419 63,248
Kegalle 50 59 22,186 65,878
Rambukkana 45 89 21,986 61,014
Mawanella 57 77 28,604 80,675
Aranayaka 43 60 18,448 50,530
Yatiyanthota 56 52 23,167 67,911
Ruwanwella 55 54 23,242 68,214
Deraniyagala 54 50 21,320 59,945
Total 470 577 210,494 599,437

Thursday, March 6, 2008